Rat Jumble version 1.02 (hotfix)

Hi all, today we've released a game for the brackeys game jam. Something both we and the community noticed is that there are several never before noticed issues. We've fixed all of them.

List of fixes:

  • Slightly improved the performance by removing few artistic features we never used in the game. The game looks the same but might open slightly faster and requires a bit less space on disk.
  • Fixed a bug where the arrow directing the position of the tool might not be visible.
  • Fixed a UI panel that might go outside of the screen while playing.
  • Fixed few situations during which the items or tools might go outside of the map.
  • Rebalanced spots in which the player is supposed to place the items. Previously the items would go outside of the space easily.
  • Improved the performance of the physics engine. Hard to tell whether they will be noticeable,
  • Various fixes to the ending screen.


Rat Jam 1.01 Windows.zip 250 MB
Aug 29, 2021

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